Saturday, February 27, 2016

#7 Go to a Museum

(copied from the McCall Clan blog)

I've been wanting to take Jackson to the Children's Museum for a while, since someone told me about it. I remember when I was younger I LOVED going to the Science Museum, and for someone Jackson's age the Children's Museum was a good place to start. There were lots of things for Jackson to play with there.

He played with "vroom vrooms!" At one point he had collected ALL the cars on the play mat. I had to help him share the cars when other kids came over to play.

There was a cool ball track that Jackson liked watching. He is really interested in balls. Almost as much as he is interested in cars.

This was one of his favorite things at the museum. The gears! He liked moving them around and spinning them in circles. Mommy and daddy had to help him get them lined up though, but Jackson told us where they were supposed to go.

We may need to buy him "Gears, gears, gears."

The other best thing at the museum was the water area. He wasn't sure if he liked the bubbles at first. I had to shove his hand in the water for him. Then it was play time! I'm not surprised he liked the water since he LOVES bath time.

We knew bubble time was over when he accidentally shoved a bunch of the bubbles in his face. That was a weird experience for him. He kept trying to wipe them off, but because he had more bubbles all over his hands it was not helpful at all. I wish I had a picture of that...

We played with toys in the water and raced them down a track.

More vroom vrooms!! We put blocks in the back of the trucks and drove them around on the floor. He loves anything with wheels, just like his daddy.

Picture of the family through the mirror.

Oh, and there were things with buttons that were fun to push.

He thoroughly enjoyed the fish tank. There were fish "tats" and turtle "tats."

I've never seen him so excited to run around and look at new things. There was a lot going on at the museum, and a lot of other kids to see and interact with. Jackson was such a good boy. He was able to wait his turn and share (with help), and was just all-around really well-behaved. We are so proud of our little boy!

 After the museum we went to Culver's for a quick lunch. Jackson will only eat french fries at fast food restaurants. Why do we even buy him the chicken tenders?

He was a tired boy. We got the thousand-yard stare from him the entire way home.