Wednesday, December 28, 2016

#12 Hold FHE at least 26 times this year

I managed to help my family have Family Home Evening 26 times this year. We are busy people and we do a lot of things together already, but it was important to me to have an actual Family Home Evening every other week at least. We focused most of our lessons or messages on things that Jackson could understand so he felt included.

This is how we've decided to structure our FHEs:

Opening song (usually a song out of the Children's Songbook)
Opening prayer
Fun song (Old MacDonald, Dinosaur song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.)
Family Business
Lesson or Message
Closing song (usually another Children's Songbook song)
Closing prayer

It seems like a lot but we don't usually take longer than 15 minutes. It's the perfect length for Jackson's active mind. Jackson even helps us with the prayers sometimes. :)

I will definitely be including another FHE goal for my 27 Things this next year!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#19 Learn to make a frosting rose

So I think I have the idea down. I may not ever get these perfect. My frosting wasn't the right consistency or wasn't warm/cool enough, and left me with ridges on the petals. I will probably try again another time when my life isn't crazy. But these are pretty enough to put on a cake, right?!

#14 21 Day Fix

This is another one of my goals that ended up changing. I originally wanted to complete a 30 day workout challenge. There are "30 day challenges" that you can download onto your phone. They are short workouts that work a specify area of your body. I was going to do the 30 Day Abs challenge. I started it and didn't care for it. So I started to think of a new goal I could do that would be similar.

I had a friend recommend the 21 Day Fix program. She had done it in the past and really liked it.

So I contacted a friend who is a Beachbody Coach (Laura) and asked how I could order the 21 Day Fix program.

I got containers. Here are a few of them...

I ended up eating a lot more carrots that I would normally. I don't love them. I switched to eating a lot of spinach and zucchini after a few days.

Here's what a typical breakfast was for me.

I tried the Shakology that came with it. Not going to was gross and I only had it that one day. But I've tried lots of protein shakes and haven't liked any of them. So it's probably just me...

I ate a lot of chicken and salads for lunches. And ate normal dinners, but was careful with my portions.

 I sweat a lot during my workouts. There was a workout every day, and it was on a weekly rotation. Monday=Full body cardio fix, Tuesday=Upper fix, Wednesday=Lower fix, Thursday=Pilates fix, Friday=Cardio fix, Saturday=Dirty 30, Sunday=Yoga.

 But I felt stronger!

Most days this was my face before/after a workout...

I'm glad I did it. I lost a little over 5 lbs and 5.25 inches (and I cheated a lot...oops). I started doing it again yesterday. This time I may not go the full 21 days (since Christmas Eve cookies are served in 18 days...) but I will be conscious of what I'm eating. I want to be strong again...and to fit into some of my cute clothes again.

#13 Run another 5k

I signed Christian and me up for a 5k a couple months ago. The Chanhassen Turkey Trot 5k. A great way to spend Thanksgiving morning!

Christian putting on his racing bib.

And a selfie before the race!

There were a LOT of people there. It took us about 4 minutes to get to the starting line after the race started from where we were.

AND...I finished. I jogged the entire time except at the top of a hill near the end. My head started pounding so I walked for about 15 seconds. Those 21 day fix workouts really helped though! My legs were not jelly at the end like they usually are.

They gave out cinnamon rolls at the end of it. Yum. Actually, they were not good cinnamon rolls. They were old and dry.

I waited a little while until Christian came to the finish line. I was 36:23 minutes finish, and Christian walked it in 57:50. There were so many people there that for part of the race it was really hard to get passed anyone. I'm certain we both of us would have had a slightly better time if it wasn't so crowded.

#25 Learn a new duet with Christian

This goal was originally to learn an organ prelude. But life happened (with Emma being born) and then my priorities changed. I had to adjust some of my goals to things I would be willing to spend time doing in my even more limited free time. So I changed it to another musical type goal. I wanted to learn a new duet with Christian. We learned "How Gentle God's Commands." Christian and I sang in church together on November 27th. I LOVE singing with my husband! And I'm grateful to have a piano in my home!

#17 Teach new baby to roll over

Done...and proof! I have a mobile baby!

PS When I made this goal in January of last year we didn't even know gender yet! Now she is here and moving around. A lot can happen in 11 months!